Monday 7 December 2015

The House That Jack Built

The House that Jack Built

This week's project consists of a drama sequence. I have been placed in a group of four and we were given a script. We filmed at a location called scape, a student-owned flat, as it gave us the bedroom setting we would need for our sequence.

Unfortunately, I had to attend an interview during filming, and so I missed out on many aspects of the shoot. Because of this, I was tasked with editing the shots, and found that the footage was unfinished, many shots had been lost, and the dialogue between the actors was terrible. This was due to a broken microphone so actors could not be heard clearly, lack of acting skills, and a general lack of seriousness from the group.

As I have little experience of editing, I found it very difficult to piece together all the broken-up scenes, but it turned out to be a great learning experience as it meant that I was able to improve my editing skills and appreciate the pros and cons of working in a group. I learned to blend shots together and use audio in previous shot for new shots through trial and error.

I also found that there are both advantages and disadvantages to working in a group; working in a group meant the collective knowledge of the entire group was brought together in an innovative way. Also, each person was in charge of a single aspect of the film. At the same time, the group deviating from the storyline and shot script meant the success of the film was dependent on the editing process.

Next time, I will be sure to supervise my group, point out shots and ensure they follow the storyboard and shot script.

This is the finished product



·        Good choice of location 
·        Actors did not stay in character at certain times, interfering with storyline  -  female character had more power than male characters in scene where males were supposed to dominate
·        Can’t take her or the actors seriously 
·        Well filmed; similar to watching ‘EastEnders’,  good cinematography, realistic, soapy feel and very well executed
·        Great camera work 


·        Equipment failure (Broken mic.)  
·        More shots needed at the end of ‘elevator scene’ 
·        Looked rushed towards end in comparison to beginning
·        Flow must be kept consistent
·        Reaction shots needed

·        Location shots and actor mugshots must be added to sketchbooks

Friday 4 December 2015

Day Of Crit (missed)

On the day of my crit, I read my email late and so I found out the location of the lecture had changed. I was unable to locate Somerset House, so I decided to go back to Ravensborne to revisit my film and work on my blog.

·         Unfinished
·         Confused on Narrative
·         Tension needs to be added
·         Style and cinematography well done

·         Finish
·         Develop narrative and story line
·         create a simple story board / shooting script to help you create a distinct narrative

Comments from classmate

"I like the lighting and shots. Definitely needs audio.  So far so good, I can’t wait for it to be finished.

Drug War (Filming)

Today there were many complications on filming as a had no one to help plan organised or work with me so i spent about three days filming and a who night editing . So I had no time to do sound.

What I learned is that I have no hep in my class to do  any work and I'm going to have to learn to do all role of post production alone and fast enough to meet deadlines.