Friday 29 April 2016

Cosplayer At Home

An idea would of been to have a cosplayer dress up wile i film them in there houses and frame the interview like the artist photos . sadly there was noone i knew who i could film in their house hold like this. and most people who cosplay were only going to do it at this years london comic con.

 It would be reasonable to assume the people depicted in these portraits are wearing Halloween costumes, but they’re not. In his ongoing series of portraits titled Just the Two of Us, photographer Klaus Pitchler gained access to the homes of Austrian costume play (cosplay) enthusiasts where he photographed the elaborately costumed individuals against the backdrops of their everyday life. Via his artist statement:
"Who hasn’t had the desire just to be someone else for awhile? Dressing up is a way of creating an alter ego and a second skin which one’s behaviour can be adjusted to. Regardless of the motivating factors which cause somebody to acquire a costume, the main principle remains the same: the civilian steps behind the mask and turns into somebody else. ’Just the Two of Us’ deals with both: the costumes and the people behind them."
While the costumes are incredible, terrifying, and laughable, it’s the strange juxtaposition of ordinary home life and the unknown identities of each individual that create such great images.
these images have given me ideas of how to frame some of my interviews and cutaways shots.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Interview questions

Do you know what cosplay is?
Have you ever been to a convention? If yes who did you go as and did you go in a group?  
Would you cosplay?,  if yes how much would you spend?
Do you know someone that cosplay? 
Would you feel comfortable out in public in your chosen outfit? 
Do you think the person you know who cosplays is comfortable in public? 
Would you think cosplay is childish? ,  why / why not? 
Why do you think other people would agree with you? 
How serious would you take your cosplay,  at the end of the day are you still YOU or are you you're CHARECTER? 

these questions will be the final collection. for my interviews for my film . these questions will be asked by the public and casual gammers and social friends and family. 

this will further help my development of my final recordings. 
also it may answer my evaluation questions in my scketch book.

Friday 22 April 2016


Today during editing . we noticed that most footage from my comicon adventure is unusable and very shaky ,so the idea now is to record interviews of the public and use that as a main focus with cutaways of the trip. also we will book out sound equipment to use so i can voice over some shots at Birmingham.

Another thing i shall do is go onto twitch Facebook and Instagram to ask the world i fthey would be interested in a recorded session talking about cosplay. and certain outfits. if there overly sexualised if there boring good or spot on gorgeous.

Saturday 2 April 2016

Comparisons between our world and the anime world

Comparisons between our world and the anime world

Tokyo Ghoul 

The world that the ghouls and humans live in is like a dog eats dog world, however if the only way for you to survive was to kill another would you do it? This type of story line makes readers of the manga and watchers of the anime more interested in the story like as they can in a way relate this to events in our real world. For example if the only way for you to live was to let someone else die could u put yourself through making that decision?, well for the protagonist being half human and half ghoul he can slightly chose which way he must go about this situation. However in some cases he must kill to help his friends and save himself.

Tokyo Ghoul takes place in a universe in which Tokyo is infested with beings known as ghouls, humanoid creatures with supernatural powers that feast exclusively on human meat. Our protagonist, Ken Kaneki, gets a date with Rize Kamishiro, an older woman he had been interested in for some time now, unaware that she is a binge eating ghoul that consumes humans for enjoyment rather than sustenance. After luring him into a dark alley at night, she reveals her secret and attempts to devour him, only for the two to be caught in an “accident” at a construction yard. In a hurry, the doctor reveals that Kaneki desperately needs an organ transplant, but the only available donor at hand was the dead ghoul, Rize. After the surgery, Kaneki discovers he is unable to consume normal human food and uncontrollably craves human flesh. During his first fit of insanity, he is discovered by Touka Kirishima, a fellow student at the same school who also happens to be a ghoul. She reintroduces him to a cafe he often frequents, unveiling that the employees are also all ghouls. Tokyo Ghoul covers the struggles of Kaneki as a half ghoul, half human mixed breed and the challenges he faces in keeping his identity a secret.

This could be one reason why cos-players would dress up and take on the persona of these characters


Twelve years before the start of the series, the Nine-Tails attacked Konohagakuredestroying much of the village and taking many lives. The leader of the village, theFourth Hokage sacrificed his life to seal the Nine-Tails into a newborn, Naruto Uzumaki. Orphaned by the attack, Naruto was shunned by the villagers, who out of fear and anger, viewed him as the Nine-Tails itself. Though the Third Hokageoutlawed speaking about anything related to the Nine-Tails, the children — taking their cues from their parents — inherited the same animosity towards Naruto. In his thirst to be acknowledged, Naruto vowed he would one day become the greatest Hokage the village had ever seen.

Being a boy who was not accepted by his village and looked upon as a monster he vowed that he will one day become the Hokage so he may be acknowledged by his village, and through hard times and giving it his all and sticking to his ninja way basically his moto."i never give up that's my nindo my ninja way". 
"I’m not going to run away and i never go back on my word that's my nindo my ninja way". 
but basically it’s never give up and to never go back on his word.
We can relate to him in many ways in saying to ourselves to never give up and believe in ourselves and we will achieve the impossible. Nothing is impossible. I myself have quoted his words during exams personal work and even now for future ambitions; he is quite an inspiring role model.
So many , and I mean Many people cosplay as him and for good reason.

Friday 1 April 2016

Who Are You

Documentary title: Who Are You?

I will be Researching on:
What is Cosplay?
What type of people cosplay and how it effects people now and future generations?
Do other people like cosplay?
Also is it worth the money, time and effort.
Why people cosplay.

What Is Cosplay? The practice of dressing up as a character from a film, book, or video game, especially one from the Japanese genres of manga or anime.

Cosplay Interview:

1. Do You Know What Cosplay Is?
2. What kind of Cosplayer do you consider yourself to be?
3. Why Do You Cosplay?
4. If someone told you they hated your cosplay, what would you do?
5. What would you do or say, if someone said they loved your cosplay?
6. is your cosplay homemade or bought?
7. What’s your favourite cosplay project?
8. What was your first convention?
9. What is cosplay to you?
10. How far into character are you willing to go, at the end of the day are you "YOU" or are you your "CHARACTER"?

For people who don't go to London Comic Con. I created this survey on Quick Survey .com I have these questions for the public.

1. Do you know what cosplay is?

2. Would you cosplay, and if yes How much would you spend?
3. Do you know someone who does?
4. Do you approve of it?

The price for looking like you’re hero
These cosplayers are dishing out some serious cash to make themselves look like there chosen characters.

This could be seen as an art form or it can be viewed as a bad obsession.

Results of Cosplay Survey Taken from the public

Going out into the random public I spoke to random old young and same age people that I could possibly get feedback from and answer these quick questions. These are the results of my findings.

1.     Do you know what cosplay is?
7 people I interviewed said no
15 people said yes 

2. Would you cosplay, and if yes How much would you spend?

16 people I interviewed said yes  Ages between 16 - 19 would spend up to £50 - £100 
people over 20+ Would only spend £20 - £100 
8 people said no 

3. Do you know someone who does?

14 people said yes 
8 people said no 

4. Do you approve of it?

13 people said yes 
11 people said no 

What I was surprised about is how many people didn't even know what Cosplay was. Moving on to the rest of the questions with them I told them about what it was and why people do it. 
Later on the people I was interviewing knew more and liked the idea of cosplay however some people said that they can’t do it because, of cost and how they would look in their chosen characters outfits. 
The main problem I saw that people had was simply how much money they would have to spend to create their character. Parents were fine with spending for their infant children but teenagers and other adults have to think hard on how they will save up to buy the outfits.

I suggested to some people to hand-make their chosen characters, but they replied with saying “it would look cheap and if I wanted to cosplay I'd want to look perfect". So hearing this I went on YouTube and Instagram to find some homemade cosplay and see the price and ask people if they could look good at an affordable price, would this reassure their choice to cosplay?

These are some tutorials I found on YouTube of people 

doing home made cosplay outfits.


Cosplay D.I.Y Samus Aran Bodysuit | Metroid

Jack Sparrow Makeup Transformation - Cosplay Tutorial

Kamui Cosplay

I found this cosplayer kamui who does tutorials for different characters and has affordable and quick ways of creating professional looking character cosplay. 





Norn Warrior

 Guild Wars 2

Dark Valkyrie Diana

 League of Legends