Friday 20 May 2016

Expressions of Fandom: Findings from a Psychological Survey of Cosplay and Costume Wear

While researching the Psychological effects of cosplay I stumbled upon this artical on how Robin S. Rosenberg and Andrea M. Letamendi in america studded on how a person feels in and out of costume and reading there findings gave me more of an insight onto how cosplay is just plain fun and has actual negative effects or bad psychological repercussions . the question of if kid or adults should do it is no seeming more of a byass question as most people who would ask this must of never done it themselves or gone to a convention.
As for the cost of cosplay if you want to go out looking good wouldn't it be expensive you don't see people judging others over £500 Jordans or £60 t-shirts. so when a cosplayer pays £100 on an outfit it because they love that character enough and want to look as authentic and amazing as possible which is always the result when i see them at conventions.

Below is an example of a response that demonstrates how features such as independence, self-reliance, and physical appearance inspired a cosplayer to embody that character of Wonder Woman.

"It's a character I have always loved and been inspired by. Wonder Woman was a beautiful princess, but strong and independent. She took care of herself and everyone she cared about, and didn't need a prince to rescue her. Those were important qualities to me growing up in an all-woman household, just like the Amazons on Themiscrya. It didn't hurt that we were all brunettes over 5'7" either! In Wonder Woman I saw the best qualities of my mother, and the type of woman I wanted my sister and I to become. I've always idolized her from childhood and wanted to "be" her when I grew up."

This information was very important and made me feel a way that every time id try find some negatives about cosplay its like i was looking for a needle in a hay-stake which is brilliant and just makes me love cosplay much more as a fan , now it just make me want to take care in my preparations for upcoming Comic Cons.

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