Friday 20 May 2016

Finding the right Angles and lighting

During filming it was annoying finding a good location to do interviews in most of the time it was raining and other times locations outside were awful with lighting and background.
Ryan's interview was held at level 2 where it was quite enough for sound to be picked up and not full of obstacle that would make the environment a hassle when filming.

His and gestures were very sharp and got more effective as he spoke more intensely about his own passionate views on cosplay. which was quite funny to capture and hard  not to avoid.

The position of the camera I chose was a standard direction that I then chose to play with after the interview was over to do some random angles . I noticed he used a lot of hand gestures and his body motion was interesting, so that is when I took the camera and filmed around his body.  

For jamals shoot  I wanted him to be in an open environment and lucky on this good day the sun decided to come out and there was no rain , so I took this opportunity to bring him outside for his interview. it was a beautiful day with wonderful lighting.
The only sad thing about this day was at the end of shooting we found out the the sound was not rerecording and made it pretty much use less but I couldn't waste these shots so I added it in to our over all film.  

When filming these girls we had to relocate instantly as the lightning in raves building was awful for a quick interview.

So i dragged them outside to film them , but soon after it started to rain, but we recorded enough and i asked enough questions to help the film.

Sadly when interviewing Rosa I didn't plan a location for us to interview , but it was still fun and insightful to hear her opinion on people on cosplay, which was very cool and passionate.

Which helped alot with my overall evaluation on what cosplay means to people.

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