Tuesday 5 January 2016


On the first day back in foundation we got introduced to unit 8
We watched some advertisements which all used different forms of advertising. There was a Honda ad that used inspiration from an artist.........
Another called creature features which was like an interview using stop motion
And the last was an Sony tv advert about colour.

Getting into groups of four we were given a word. 
Before we got paired up. I thought up a car alarm advert which was inspired by my own experience of losing a car alarm.  It was a girl who bought a new car and went to a series of parties but the alarm keeps going off and interrupting her fun so she got it removed. 
Then she went to another party and at the end went into her car and gets raped/killed in her own car. This is ment to shock market people into not removing car alarms and the tag line would be " it's installed for a reason".
However as we are paired into groups and have a select thing to advertise 'Negative Space' which is extremely hard to physically sell as it's not a physical form so we spent half the day coming up with an idea for the advert. 
Eventually we decided to use negative space as a way of people needing personal space in their lives.
So we will be filming a sequence of a P. O. V of someone getting his personal space violated.  Then he will finally be free in an open field with room to breath. 

Advertisement examples 

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