Tuesday 23 February 2016

Caught in The Act . Redo

Jamie showed some people in our class and some of the public our video. unfortunately he reported that it was offensive to many people. so we have decided to come up with a new premise and re shoot . A new film Jamie had the idea of creating about a drinking and driving situation. he has decided to film tomorrow and we will spend the next two days editing and will have it ready by Fridays crit.

What i have learnt is how people can take what we or I have found funny and see it as offensive , in future planning events I shall take into consideration public opinions of possible offensive material that I will produce.
It was mostly the ending of the film which alex had thought of the brother wishing their father had pulled out when their were born, although this was rude i found it comedic as the feel of the entire shoot was very funny, but i see how others would clearly see the offence and insensitive nature of that last shot.  

Monday 22 February 2016

Editing : Caught in the Act

We started the day with Jamie editing the footage that was done last week. when we finished the first draft we showed Seb the footage of the film and he saw errors and we decided to re-shoot and add more footage to the film.
Sebs Comments :

Shot of Jeff scrolling on laptop
Shot of Jeff scrolling on laptop
Slow cuts (cut faster )
Have Jeff in frame coming into the building.
Keep typing
Keep sound cut straight to reaction of Alex of the hand closing the laptop
Few frames more on Jeff and Alex looking at each other.
Give Jeff more frames to move to Alex
Take out Alex eating cookie

The moment he eats the cookie the voice over starts 

After adding more footage we showed Seb again and he explained how theirs no visual of how there is no consequence to what the two brothers are doing to each other.

Extra things we were to by Seb to do:

Jeff needs to do a voice over
Better resolution
What are the consequences of showing

Monday 15 February 2016

Results of Cosplay Survey

1. Do you know what cosplay is ?
7 people i interviewed said no
15 people said yes 

2. Would you cosplay, and if yes How much would you spend ?
16 people I interviewed said yes  Ages between 16 - 19 would spend up to £50 - £100 
people over 20+ Would only spend £20 - £100 
8 people said no 

3. Do you know someone who does ?
14 people said yes 
8 people said no 

4. Do you approve of it ?
13 people said yes 
11 people said no 

Are they as good as the originals ?

For this question i showed people some images of people in cosplay

1. Gwen Stacy - Spider man

11 People said yes 
9 people said no 

2. Nina - Tekken Series 

18 said yes
4 said no 

3. Sailor Moon

11 people said yes 
8 said no 

4. Altair Assassin Creed 

10 people said yes 
6 people said no 

5. Shyvana - League Of Legends

13 people said yes 
3 said no 

What I was surprised about is how many people didn't even know what Cosplay is . be moving on the the rest of the questions with them i told them about what it was and why people do it . 
later on the people i was interviewing knew more and liked the idea of cosplay however some cant do it because , of cost and how they would look in their chosen characters outfits. 
The main problem I saw that people had was simply how much money they would have to spend to create their character. Parents were fine with spending for their infant children but teenagers and other adults have to think hard on how they will save up to buy the outfits.

i suggested to some people to hand-make their chosen characters , but they replied with saying " it would look cheap and if i wanted to cosplay I'd want to look perfect". so hearing this I went on YouTube and Instagram to find some homemade cosplay and see the price and ask people if they could look good at an affordable price, would this reassure their choice to cosplay?

These are some tutorials o found on YouTube of people doing home made cosplay outfits.



Cosplay D.I.Y Samus Aran Bodysuit | Metroid | Eng sub available

Jack Sparrow Makeup Transformation - Cosplay Tutorial

I found this cosplayer kamui who does tutorials for different characters and has affordable and quick ways of creating professional looking character cosplay. 

Norn Warrior

 Guild Wars 2

Dark Valkyrie Diana

 League of Legends





Website :http://www.kamuicosplay.com/
YouTube channel :

Screen play notes and comments

Caught In The Act 

Why is it important to keep the secret a secret?
Because somebody could steal it/it’s dangerous.

Why is it important to tell people about it?
Because otherwise Andy will start to look suspicious.

Where can the audience step in?
Much of the shots can be from Darren’s POV. Andy is very rarely off-screen.

Describe the lighting of the room.

Make Darren want to see the novel. Have him look more suspicious/curious.

There needs to be something to indicate that they’re friends rather than just two people who work in the same house. Darren could have a screensaver on his laptop of him and Andy. Darren can also add “You can tell me”.

It could start off with Darren making his way into the house after having been out somewhere. Where has he been? What has he been doing?
Darren has been at an interview. So he is wearing a formal suit, making him look more authoritative. In contrast, Andy can be more simply dressed.

Darren could startle Andy as he is working on his novel.

Andy could be in the room, and Darren is the one to come in. Andy could look startled and unstable from Darren’s presence. Darren opens the door without knocking, implicating that the house is a comfort zone. Andy could say “Don’t enter without knocking”. David can either open the curtains some more or turn on a light, as he is suspicious that the room is dark.

Be more descriptive when it comes to body language. Indicate actions though…don’t say them.

Darren could threaten Andy by saying “”, strengthening the impact of consequences.

If Darren wasn’t in the novel, what would happen?

The novel could be about him, and there’s the risk that Darren would be offended. The novel could be do to with their lives. It could be offensive and Andy doesn’t want Darren to see it.

Andy and Darren can be brothers. (Alex and Jeff)

We may have to cut down on the dialogue.

How is the audience going to tell that they’re brothers?

The novel’s working title should be “A Tale Between Two Brothers”, but it should only be shown at the end. The first lines should be: “I wish he was aborted”, “I wish the condom had never split”.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Final Major Project (FMP)

This week i pitched my two ideas for my final major project.

My first idea was a 'Think' Advert using road safety but focused on the importance of car alarms.

Final Major Project (FMP): IDEA 1

Question: Is it Worth the Risk?

Car Alarms.

Shock value marketing.
For the car alarms in vehicles.

Due to personal experience my mum had a car with the most sensitive alarm in the world. Like:
If a strong wind blows it will go off 
If the neighborhood car jumps on it goes off
When I sneezed the alarm went off

I planned to make it a 30 second – 1 min advert.
 With one female main model.  

Name: Marsh a.k.a Marshmallow 

The locations i will use will be urban areas since these are places that people assume are the most dangerous.

Peckham (House party 1)
Dulwich (House party 2)
Thamesmead (House party 3 Murder Scene) 
Lewisham (Car Dealer ship)

Girl who buys a new car but unfortunately it has a super sensitive alarm. Which is a supreme hassle.
This girl loves to go to house parties or events where she can let loose and have fun, and she drives to all of these events since she loves driving all the time.

At each event she goes to something always sets off the alarm:

Strong winds
Stray cats
People leaning on the car

So she decides to get the car alarm removed by a mechanic or the car company itself. The man will foreshadow how it may not be safe to do this but she is sick and tired of this feature of the car.

She drives out to another house party. Everything is going well perfect party and she leaves sober and safely (maybe has a love interest).
She gets in her car puts her bag down in the passenger seat. Then a man in the back seat pulls her back and kills her in the car.

The car is in view of the house party (shacking up and down), however her friends think she’s having fun with a boy at the party.

Shot of the car shaking. Text shows up on the screen “We installed them for a Reason” OR “Is it worth the risk?” 

Pitch group comments

George milly jazz artist
Road safety
Removing safety nets would bring caution to drivers
 Becoming immune to the dangers
Hackers and social media
Illusion of safety and risk
Children under 13 having access to social media  

FMP Idea 2

Documentary title: Who Are You? 
Question: Why cosplay?

I will be Researching on:
What is Cosplay?
What type of people cosplay and how it effects people now and future generations?
Do other people like cosplay?
Also is it worth the money, time and effort.
Why people cosplay.
Peoples opinions on cosplay

What Is Cosplay?: The practice of dressing up as a character from a film, book, or video game, especially one from the Japanese genres of manga or anime.

Personally I’ve loved cosplay but had not had the money to go all out and become my favorite characters from TV, films, games, manga and comics.
Last Year I wanted to go as Adewale from the game Assassins Creed: Black Flag. 

March 19th-20th Saturday and Sunday at the NEC Center in Birmingham 

Interviews and showcases will be of the different cosplayers, first time visitors and long-time veterans and ages around 16 – 40. 

During The Comic con I will be posing these questions during the interview:

Cosplay Interview :

1. Do You Know What Cosplay Is ?
2. What kind of Cosplayer do you consider yourself to be ?
3. Why Do You Cosplay ?
4. If someone told you they hated your cosplay , what would you do ?
5. what would you do or say, if someone said they loved your cosplay ?
6. Is your cosplay homemade or bought?
7. Whats your favorite cosplay project ?
8. What was your first convention ?
9. What is cosplay to you ?
10. How far into character are you willing to go, at the end of the day are you "YOU" or are you your "CHARACTER"?

For people who don't go to London Comic Con. I created this survey on Quick Survey .com I have these questions for the public.

1. Do you know what cosplay is ?
2. Would you cosplay, and if yes How much would you spend ?
3. Do you know someone who does ?
4. Do you approve of it ?

The price for looking like you’re hero
These cosplayers are dishing out some serious cash to make themselves look like there chosen characters.

This could be seen as an art form or it can be viewed as a bad obsession.

Are they as good as the originals ?

Gwen Stacy - Spider man

 Nina - Tekken Series 

Super girl 

Sailor Moon

Shyvana - League Of Legends

Altair Assassin Creed