Tuesday 23 February 2016

Caught in The Act . Redo

Jamie showed some people in our class and some of the public our video. unfortunately he reported that it was offensive to many people. so we have decided to come up with a new premise and re shoot . A new film Jamie had the idea of creating about a drinking and driving situation. he has decided to film tomorrow and we will spend the next two days editing and will have it ready by Fridays crit.

What i have learnt is how people can take what we or I have found funny and see it as offensive , in future planning events I shall take into consideration public opinions of possible offensive material that I will produce.
It was mostly the ending of the film which alex had thought of the brother wishing their father had pulled out when their were born, although this was rude i found it comedic as the feel of the entire shoot was very funny, but i see how others would clearly see the offence and insensitive nature of that last shot.  

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