Sunday 20 March 2016


Cosplay compared to the real world

Personally I’ve loved cosplay but had not had the money to go all out and become my favourite characters from TV, films, games, manga and comics.
Last Year I wanted to go as Adewale from the game Assassins Creed: Black Flag. 
Another example I believe justice is basically one who is willing to sacrifice what he/she believes in or holds dear for the greater good.
When people get what they deserve 
This is represented in an anime called Fate/Stay Night.
Also being very interested in this anime I and some people I have known have cosplayed as the character archer who shares our beliefs.  

His belief that he would continue to save many people as a Heroic Spirit did happen, but it was through being made to clean up after human actions and forced to take many lives to save humanity as a whole, instead of "saving everyone" - protecting humans without having to cause deaths of humans as he would have liked to. After seeing human self-destruction and forced to oppose his own ideals countless times, he began to deny himself and his ideal. 

Archer desperately came to believe that his only hope of release was to have himself summoned into an era where Shirou Emiya exists and kill his past self, hoping that the double paradox created by Shirou Emiya being killed before having a chance to make the contract with Alaya and that the killing was done by a Shirou Emiya who successfully made the contract with the world would create a time paradox great enough in magnitude that could potentially erase his existence as a Counter Guardian

His personality is very contradicting. While he is thoroughly cynical and nihilistic, he is at the same time devoted and protective, and even a little childish to the point that it makes him hard to hate. He doesn't lie, but he does keep secrets and tell half-truths. He means well and is capable of being nice, but often ends up being sarcastic, especially so when he gives advice. He cannot approve of Shirou’s ideal of becoming a Hero of Justice due to his own experience, but at the same time he cannot deny it due to the same reasons.

MCM Comic con Trip Birmingham 

My team of 5 went our adventure to comic con at Birmingham on the 19th march i gathered all the equipment 3 DSLR's a tripod and extra batteries , however the interview mic i had acquired from ravensbourne had no wire so i was unable to use it . which meant all the sound from the videos were not as clear as i wanted it to.
I did a Volg of the many hours of traveling to and from Birmingham.

I gathered a lot of information from cos-players at MCM about how they feel in and out of costume and the impact  they have on people initially I was very nervous and scared to approach people but my friends gave me courage and motivation to begin and follow through in interviews.

I saw so many interesting and bight characters and people also some unique and beautiful artwork from various stands and shows.

what I would change would have to be my performance during interviews , i was very nervous, also i wish I had a mic to capture more of the diolouge and finally my outfit i wanted to cosplay as Spyro the dragon.

Me interviewing a fantasy cosplayer , she had a very hyper and ecstatic personality and she says how her costume doesnt effect how hse is when she leaves the convention . its more of a fun day out to play around and enjoy being her chosen character. 

Deadpool and Tyler  

This mans entire outfit took weeks of planing months of creation. 
He would return again for london 2016 MCM however might be worried about how hot its going to be in the full suit on the day. 
This interested me in how dedicated the time and effort into the creation on the outfit. 
plus the devotin of wearing it in the up coming blistering heat soon to come in summer   

Scooby Doo Gang chased by Scarecrow 

Bleach character crafted his outfit out of light weight foam and surrounded it in a light steel frame to make it easy for mobility. 

When interviewing Morrigan i was curious on how she felt in that outfit surrounded by so many people. she says that it doesn't bother her she is confident in her outfit and doesn't mind the eyes that follow her. 

My Favorite cosplayer at Birmingham she jumped in and out of character at will and it was awesome how she portrayed the role of Harley quin  as not a sex symbol but as a total bad ass. Her costume was bought but the hammer was made by her . two bin together and costume designed by her    

Friday 18 March 2016

Cosplay Questions

Define cosplay in your own words.
How serious do you take cosplay
( How much time and effort ? cost, ?)
What do you enjoy the most about cosplay?
If someone told you they hated your cosplay , what would you do ?
Is your cosplay homemade How long did it take to make your outfit? or bought How much did it cost?
Whats your favorite cosplay project ?
 What was your first convention ?
What does cosplay mean to you?
How far into character are you willing to go, at the end of the day are you "YOU" or are you your "CHARACTER"?

These are some more questions i thought up before going to Birmingham they are probably one sided so i may think up more to further help the development of my interviews to make more interesting answers form 

Thursday 3 March 2016

Why do you Cosplay ?

I went around my town and asked some people that I know cosplay and asked them "Why Do You Cosplay?"

Here are a couple of answers I received:

Jo Hartley (Mojo Jones)
" I Feel like myself , when dressed as somebody else. I Think its a Confidence thing."

Gemma Mills
"Its a  chance to wear something absolutely outrageous."

Jerri-Kay Walthew
"You get to be all those people you wish you were in media."

Lisa Marie
" I enjoy being my favorite character even if its just for a short period of time."

From these simple answers i got from these people more questions sprung to mind :

Do you think cosplay is childish ?
Why,Why not ?
Why do you think other people think this way
Why do you cosplay
How do you feel when u put on the clothes?

These questions would help me in my research for when i go to MCM Comic con . and develop my film more. I plan to interview many people at Birmingham to help me understand and answer these and many more future questions

Beginning Of Final Major Project (FMP) Anime powers or personalities we wish we had

Powers We Wish WE Had

Anime has a big impact on how people behave in our world. the personalities or traits some fictional characters have , some wish could adapt of have these traits in real life. Also many have always wished they could have of just some how gain these powers for real.
There are many of you wish they could be superman or batman right well there are a number of us that wish to have godlike powers that could change our lives dramatically, even some simple powers that could help improve our day to day life.

WatchMojo :Top 10 Anime Powers We Wish Were Real

Watch mojos video made me think about why people would want these powers and if they had these powers what would they do with them? would most of humanity be good or evil . How many crimes would be committed and how many stopped . Would heros always win or could the world be taken over by a warlord. 

Child Drug War

I finally finished the drug war short; although I am disappointed with the outcome and will in future change and improve on it.
My voice actor failed to help me complete the voice over so I had to improvise with my own voice. quite a few of the shots were kind of badly edited I will improve on those areas.
Also I wish to re-shoot the ending , it was very rushed and not thought out well enough.


Unclear premises
Weird ending
Some shots are repetitive
Very long shots should be shortened
make it more clear the man chasing the drug dealer is a cop/enforcer of the law

Decent camera work
Decent lighting