Thursday 3 March 2016

Why do you Cosplay ?

I went around my town and asked some people that I know cosplay and asked them "Why Do You Cosplay?"

Here are a couple of answers I received:

Jo Hartley (Mojo Jones)
" I Feel like myself , when dressed as somebody else. I Think its a Confidence thing."

Gemma Mills
"Its a  chance to wear something absolutely outrageous."

Jerri-Kay Walthew
"You get to be all those people you wish you were in media."

Lisa Marie
" I enjoy being my favorite character even if its just for a short period of time."

From these simple answers i got from these people more questions sprung to mind :

Do you think cosplay is childish ?
Why,Why not ?
Why do you think other people think this way
Why do you cosplay
How do you feel when u put on the clothes?

These questions would help me in my research for when i go to MCM Comic con . and develop my film more. I plan to interview many people at Birmingham to help me understand and answer these and many more future questions

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