Thursday 3 March 2016

Beginning Of Final Major Project (FMP) Anime powers or personalities we wish we had

Powers We Wish WE Had

Anime has a big impact on how people behave in our world. the personalities or traits some fictional characters have , some wish could adapt of have these traits in real life. Also many have always wished they could have of just some how gain these powers for real.
There are many of you wish they could be superman or batman right well there are a number of us that wish to have godlike powers that could change our lives dramatically, even some simple powers that could help improve our day to day life.

WatchMojo :Top 10 Anime Powers We Wish Were Real

Watch mojos video made me think about why people would want these powers and if they had these powers what would they do with them? would most of humanity be good or evil . How many crimes would be committed and how many stopped . Would heros always win or could the world be taken over by a warlord. 

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