Friday 27 November 2015

End Of Filming (Result/Crit)

Today I spent around 2-3 hours of editing before my crit at 1:30. I learned how to split screen and over all I am pleased with my film outcome as it has the time limit required (16 Seconds) and the shooting on Wednesday was fun and short. when i think about my film I think I have the anime theme of a dramatic fight or clash of two warriors. also i love the one punch man music I used as I have recently started watching the anime.
Things that didn't go well i believe was the grin in the video i want to improve upon that and see if there's a way to correct that using colour correction. using my lap top to edit was long and frustrating as it is slow and took very long to export.

This is my video 


Felt too long 16 seconds.
Reduce the length of the video to the key elements. 
Split Screen was well done and captured the anime fighting style. 
Focus shot in the beginning is a brilliant way of showing the opposition. 
The title told more of the story than the video. 'Friends'
Friendship ids unclear .
Develop a deeper meaning. show negative emotions. 
Add an establishing shot.
Brilliant costume and set up, plus lighting
Research the nature of friendship. 

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Day 1 Filming (prep)

Today I will be borrowing a 600D Cannon Camera also I will spend my day creating a storyboard.
ad also view shots in films chase scenes that will inspire the running my actor will be doing in the short film.
My next possible problem is finding uniform for the officer and actor. also the person willing to run in the chase scenes.
There is this short trailer for a game called Watch_dogs which has inspired my interest in the chase scene of my film. the thought of Parkour came from josh a student at Ravensbourne .Thought out this I will be able to watch and use the footage int the trailer to inspire the scenes in my film.

Watch Dogs Parkour Real life 

The second thing I'm thinking about is the short 4 Shot 4 Second film and how I am going to film it and if i can record the footage within the week.
I kind of wish i had a crew to work with as planing and doing the shots for the film is a huge/ long task.

The next thing I'm looking at is the dialogue from Max Payne films and games . as there are more games that have grittier and deeper meaning to his quotes i played the PS3 version and listened to the hard emotional words of the character.

Theses are the outfits my actors will be wearing in the film . the costume has to match the role of each character; The Enforcer ,The Drug Dealer and the Little Girl.

Law Enforcer

Free Runner 

Little Girl 

Monday 23 November 2015

Child Drug War (Short Film)

I have scouted 3 locations for my short chase sequence for my transcript project. the fist place i ventured to was Peckham Multiplex Cinema Car park. It has a lot of places where there can be experimented jumping sequences and man-on-action scenes, also the actors who will be doing the stunts will have space and soft landing zones so they do not injure themselves.

The next location is on the backstreets of Peckham rye lane where the P13 route is as there are many long roads for a running scene with the law enforcers and drug dealer. There are also turns where they can transition or cut to the next cut-scene. another thing is the lighting of the streets and area the actors will be running.

The last location is at a neighborhood residence closer to Old Kent Road where the flats and Terrence houses are run down and also some close by which are newly refurbished so its like two for one location. This area was recommended by my ex-neighbor who now lives in the new refurbished area.

Another thing I looked into where the chosen actors that would play the role of the drug dealer, child drug dealer and law enforcer.
The role of the Child Drug dealer will be played by either my niece Destiny Brown or my neighbors little sister Lauren Lopez. these two actors are female and both are aged between 14 and 16 so they both are suitable for the child role in the film, which is the surprise of the ilucefe drug dealer being a little girl.

Destiny Brown

Lauren Lopez

The Drug Dealer doing the main running and stunts will be performed by Keiran Anderson as he is the right boy build to make the audience think the person the law enforcer is chasing to be a large adult male.

The law enforcer is the one person I cant really think of who best would suit the role so I may as an actual officer to partake in the film or give me the uniform to borrow and use.    

4 Second 4 Shot Film

My idea for a 16 second short film is of a fight scene that most people would relate to anime or a manga sequence of two people fighting.
I had to think about manga influenced shot s and try and reenact them in real life. Compressing a fight scene to only four shots is an extremely difficult task so i researched the fastest fight scenes in anime and manga also in film.
the main types of fighting scenes that mainly come up or just are recurring are martial arts and samurai in films and animation.

These are the films,anime and scenes that I viewed and have gained inspiration four my 14 second short film.

Samurai Champloo Fight scene

Dragon Ball Z Light Of Hope

IP Man VS 10 Black Belts

Friday 20 November 2015

Week 3

This week I began a new project called transcripts.  We had to travel to the gallery and also we watched a film called sicario which I very much enjoyed.  I had to make a short film which I will base on this film and Netflix exclusive film beast of no nation. 
I also am taking inspiration from a game called Max Payne 3 which is set in a drug cartel slums of Brazil.


Beasts Of No Nation

Max Payne 3

I have plans of location scouting around the back streets of Peckham on Saturday for my dark tone film chase scenes also i have been watching inspiring cinematography from films such as City Of God to search for the colour scheme and filters i may use for my film. my next challenge is to locate actors , uniform and possible props id use for the law enforcer, child/ adult (drug dealer) and inspirational voice overs that the tone of the law enforcer will be portraying. such voices like in Max Payne for  the gritty deep tone.
The next thing i want to do i get a camera tripod and also a steady cam mount to use for the chase. i want to learn how to used the steady cam equipment.
The next thing is how i am going to use lighting in the outdoor alleyway case scene. the are some white light lamps in my local area how ever not everywhere is clear , possibly the natural lighting can be used and the colour grading in editing.

City Of God

Monday 16 November 2015

Week 2

This week i came up with a short film with the premise of teenage vanity in girls. for this i searched up what vanity is and how girls see themselfs before and after there makeover/ make-under.
The first idea was to make a film with the premise :high expectations leads to disappointment.  

'A character that be lives she's the best in the world has pride and value to her cooking skills.  So she invites people to come try out her food.  Her judges are from high class establishments.  Unfortunately the food was not on par with the judges. 
Through building back her bond with her friend who she neglected in the Beginning.  And they both together make the perfect dish.  

After long consideration I though it was over complicated.  So I went to vanity. 

I traveled to Canterbury as I had two people who would fit the role of vanity.  They are both vain subject who value there looks more than there attendance. 
These are images of the location and actors and props that participated in the project.

Final Video:

'A Day Out'

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Foundation And Lens Base Media Merge. Week One

In this week foundation media merged with lens base media and we were placed into groups and we all had to create an animation film, photo or power point of something impossible but could convince people to believe. i paired up with a group of females and we brainstormed ideas. we used my concept of time travel..
person trapped in Time loop resets the day
de ja vu
cause is a mistake in the future lives the same day 200x like a game level
references: benjiman button
itachi vs kabuto
steins gate
source code

feed back :
people belived our possible time loop through dejavu