Monday 23 November 2015

Child Drug War (Short Film)

I have scouted 3 locations for my short chase sequence for my transcript project. the fist place i ventured to was Peckham Multiplex Cinema Car park. It has a lot of places where there can be experimented jumping sequences and man-on-action scenes, also the actors who will be doing the stunts will have space and soft landing zones so they do not injure themselves.

The next location is on the backstreets of Peckham rye lane where the P13 route is as there are many long roads for a running scene with the law enforcers and drug dealer. There are also turns where they can transition or cut to the next cut-scene. another thing is the lighting of the streets and area the actors will be running.

The last location is at a neighborhood residence closer to Old Kent Road where the flats and Terrence houses are run down and also some close by which are newly refurbished so its like two for one location. This area was recommended by my ex-neighbor who now lives in the new refurbished area.

Another thing I looked into where the chosen actors that would play the role of the drug dealer, child drug dealer and law enforcer.
The role of the Child Drug dealer will be played by either my niece Destiny Brown or my neighbors little sister Lauren Lopez. these two actors are female and both are aged between 14 and 16 so they both are suitable for the child role in the film, which is the surprise of the ilucefe drug dealer being a little girl.

Destiny Brown

Lauren Lopez

The Drug Dealer doing the main running and stunts will be performed by Keiran Anderson as he is the right boy build to make the audience think the person the law enforcer is chasing to be a large adult male.

The law enforcer is the one person I cant really think of who best would suit the role so I may as an actual officer to partake in the film or give me the uniform to borrow and use.    

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