Tuesday 15 September 2015

Finding Vivian Maier

Today in the Begining of our Lecture we received technical difficulties.  Spending 30mins  adding sound to the video.  And while this was happening I searched on Google about the film and found :
It was rated 75/100 (metascore).
And on IMDb.com I saw a review from Rob Nelson stating " initially playful, ultimately haunting documentary".
Also that :
Released :17 April 2014
Director : John Maloof
Duration : 1hour 24mins
Oscar nominated 11wins 19 nominations. 

This documentary was about how Jhon Maloof found in a storage locker negatives and images of Vivian Maier who was born in 1926 New York had died.
The woman had thousand if not hundreds of photographic images and negatives and they were to brilliant to just be thrown or fade away into dust. 
Through his journey he was trying to figure out and uncover why she kept all this secret and how she was so unknown on the map. 
Through this documentary I saw that this woman was a brilliant and yet also tragic individual with problems and skills that the world of her time could not understand.

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