Thursday 24 September 2015

Sound project Level 1 START!!!

on tuesday we was introduced to Sabastian Muravchik. We was told to create a sound journey by thursday which is meant to be a 1min audio of a journey. Then next week we must have another soundtrack which will also have an extract 1min long.
Things that he made me think about were.
What is sound doing in  a scene?
Is it necessary?
What else could it do?
How could sound contribute to the story ?
do we need Digetic or Non Digetic Sound


Digetic Sound : Sound who's source is visible on screen
Non-Digetic sound: Sound who's source is neither visible on screen

Websites he gave us were

Architecture of soundtracks :
Atmosphere, Ambience
Foreground,spot sounds and dialogue

We watched two extracts that showed us examples of Digetic and Non-digetic sound.
The conversation (1974)- opening
Blade Runner- Background sounds

we were given Tascan Recorders and told to walk around the university or outside if we wish to record ambience.

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