Wednesday 28 October 2015

Filming Week 2

This week the video Jeff and Sean recorded they had given it to Danny to edit . we also all came together to comment improve and add additional skills to the video in editing. we also had to do some re-shooting for the shadow in some scenes. after that i helped Karim record sound to add to the video also he created a soundtrack to add to the video.

We received feedback from our peers such as it looked like a horror film . and our premise was not clear also the sound of the evil laughter wasn't sinister enough and made the film sound like a comedy
they liked our shots of our chase scene which was intense and thrilling which was the purpose.

The things i think should of been better was the story and also the way the film flowed at the end as i wanted the main character to be in an infinite loop much like Silent hills so the psychiatric feeling can be worse.

Film Week 1

This week on foundation we was introduced to film by seb and tom.
Seb taught us how before a film is made there must be a story / premis.
we were told to create our own story premises.
I created :
gamer that has never seen the world doesnt want to live in society . if he leaves his house he would feel death.
boy who plays call of duty has stretegic knowledge on how to win / stop a war in 3 years time .
a king reduced to a lowly servent after cival war

The next day we saw videos of a police man chasing own a sniper
and we learened a formula of obsticals antagonist and protagonist.

The next day we met Tom who told us about archetypes. 180 degree rule
we were told to create short film story. my story was a boy who desnt like his neighbours or people
protagonist ha s a project that needs to be handed in by 11:30. along the way to school he has obsticals he must overcome .
misses the bus and has to run through the park where there a a dense crowed of people.

Later we got put into team and we and had to create an film idea.
No diolouage
inspiration : Residet evil Silent hill.

We then created a storyboard and reece sheet of the shots and runtime of each shot we would film.
We gave rolls to each group member.
Danny Editing
Jeff and sean Camera
Natasha Papper work such as research and reece
Darran stroyboard
Kareim Sound

Thursday 15 October 2015

Animation week 1

This week we were introduced to animation by seb and andrew objects drawing or nonliving people moving in a sequence creating a film. types of animation                     they both asked us what we thought animation was. For me animation is images orare:
Japanese anime
Stop motion
We learned the basic formula of a story which is S=( C+O )
S= Story
C= Character
O= Obstical

We had to be put into groups on our table ( which sucked ) to come up with a short animation to create. we all came up with quite complex ideas which we had to simplify to make in to a 1min short animation.
We then  had to each make up or own idea of an animation we could do together as a group . I came up with a girl in war who has to fight to find her parents
The inspiration i had for this animation was an anime called RWBY.

 Here's a character i created on Photoshop to give a visual idea to my group of what i wanted to make ,however my team doesn't really like anime style work and we decided to do joes idea as it was more practical and easier to do.

We all chose to follow Joe's idea about a boy in a hospital who wants to save his grandfather. together we all thought up of how the child will save his grandfather from death . we came up with a nurse who the boy has to find/ track down to bring to his grandfather.

The next day we had to draw a form of animatic/ storyboard to show the stages, flow and concept of the animation. At home we all drew up storyboards of the boys journey through the hospital.
The next day we presented our idea to the group and received feedback.

Animation week 2

On the second week of animation we dissused what roles we would all be doing on he animation short that we would present on Thursday. we then next day came in with different drawings and digitally designed layouts and concepts of the way the characters ,obstetrical and backgrounds would look like. focusing on the colour scheme we all came back on Thursday where we added in all the designs and merged different concepts into the animation video. Next we gathered sound and added them to the video , and our animation was complete
This is the vector of the setting of the room grandpa will be in

This image is of the vectored outside of the hospital . I don't really like the building
This is the vector art of the hallway that the character will be walking down towards the elevator. or the hall used for the crowded scene.
This vector art is of the dark scary door way all i did was create the simple art so my group can choose the colour scheme.

Friday 2 October 2015

Sound Journey Crit

We did a crit on other students work . so we went round the room commenting on sound and video pieces. I received these comments

I directly import the sound clips into the program therefore I can edit the sounds with the clip. The good thing about this day is that the finish product came out as a funny clip due to my soundtrack and it's approved by my lecturer. The bad thing about the day and what suprised me is the program itself because the interface is slightly different due to the update, so I had to re-learn where all the tools are which slowed me down.

Sound journy Video

On Tuesday I began my video clip and I chose the trailer for watch dogs but instead of using the animated version I used the real life parkour. my idea is to make the parkour sequence like a Mario stage.

Wednesday I went around listening to others students sound pieces. I then later went around recording sounds and Mario stage noises to place in my video.

The sound concept is basically a journey in an elevator and the different levels and floors a  businessman has to go through to get to the ground floor.
originally it was going to start off with a police report on the 7th floor and by the time he gets to the the ground floor he would whiteness the trouble that was reported on the radio.
My inspiration for the idea was a general news report i saw on tv.
and the ambiance sound is inspired by the game on PS4 Journey

Sound Inspiration Journey

The Audition Software i struggled getting around it and i had to ask help for this stage of the project many times i still find it hard to use this software and get my head around sound. Id prefer using camera than sound.

Learn 'DEm Skillz

Today we got taught the materials and software we will be using in order to create a 1min soundtrack
advice SEB told us which he was  taught long ago was we should view 1 film/animation/sound piece a day and 1 boom per week.

We would get our learning resources from and film

On the subject of films book and animations we should watch a day he gave us exempts of films such as.
Notes on the cinematographer 
Theory of film practice 
TXH 1138 - George lucas 

Nic UT- children fleeing napalm bomb 
Joeseph Koudelko War Photo
Jole Sterfeld
Gory Winagrand 

Shark Tale 
Finding Nemo 
Spirited Away 
Tansformers / Pacific Rim
Piglets Big Movie 
Cast Away 
THE Shining 
Adventure Time 

Polar oposites Types Of Microphones
OMIDIRECTIONAL: Can pick up sound around 360