Thursday 15 October 2015

Animation week 1

This week we were introduced to animation by seb and andrew objects drawing or nonliving people moving in a sequence creating a film. types of animation                     they both asked us what we thought animation was. For me animation is images orare:
Japanese anime
Stop motion
We learned the basic formula of a story which is S=( C+O )
S= Story
C= Character
O= Obstical

We had to be put into groups on our table ( which sucked ) to come up with a short animation to create. we all came up with quite complex ideas which we had to simplify to make in to a 1min short animation.
We then  had to each make up or own idea of an animation we could do together as a group . I came up with a girl in war who has to fight to find her parents
The inspiration i had for this animation was an anime called RWBY.

 Here's a character i created on Photoshop to give a visual idea to my group of what i wanted to make ,however my team doesn't really like anime style work and we decided to do joes idea as it was more practical and easier to do.

We all chose to follow Joe's idea about a boy in a hospital who wants to save his grandfather. together we all thought up of how the child will save his grandfather from death . we came up with a nurse who the boy has to find/ track down to bring to his grandfather.

The next day we had to draw a form of animatic/ storyboard to show the stages, flow and concept of the animation. At home we all drew up storyboards of the boys journey through the hospital.
The next day we presented our idea to the group and received feedback.

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