Wednesday 28 October 2015

Film Week 1

This week on foundation we was introduced to film by seb and tom.
Seb taught us how before a film is made there must be a story / premis.
we were told to create our own story premises.
I created :
gamer that has never seen the world doesnt want to live in society . if he leaves his house he would feel death.
boy who plays call of duty has stretegic knowledge on how to win / stop a war in 3 years time .
a king reduced to a lowly servent after cival war

The next day we saw videos of a police man chasing own a sniper
and we learened a formula of obsticals antagonist and protagonist.

The next day we met Tom who told us about archetypes. 180 degree rule
we were told to create short film story. my story was a boy who desnt like his neighbours or people
protagonist ha s a project that needs to be handed in by 11:30. along the way to school he has obsticals he must overcome .
misses the bus and has to run through the park where there a a dense crowed of people.

Later we got put into team and we and had to create an film idea.
No diolouage
inspiration : Residet evil Silent hill.

We then created a storyboard and reece sheet of the shots and runtime of each shot we would film.
We gave rolls to each group member.
Danny Editing
Jeff and sean Camera
Natasha Papper work such as research and reece
Darran stroyboard
Kareim Sound

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