Wednesday 28 October 2015

Filming Week 2

This week the video Jeff and Sean recorded they had given it to Danny to edit . we also all came together to comment improve and add additional skills to the video in editing. we also had to do some re-shooting for the shadow in some scenes. after that i helped Karim record sound to add to the video also he created a soundtrack to add to the video.

We received feedback from our peers such as it looked like a horror film . and our premise was not clear also the sound of the evil laughter wasn't sinister enough and made the film sound like a comedy
they liked our shots of our chase scene which was intense and thrilling which was the purpose.

The things i think should of been better was the story and also the way the film flowed at the end as i wanted the main character to be in an infinite loop much like Silent hills so the psychiatric feeling can be worse.

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