Thursday 15 October 2015

Animation week 2

On the second week of animation we dissused what roles we would all be doing on he animation short that we would present on Thursday. we then next day came in with different drawings and digitally designed layouts and concepts of the way the characters ,obstetrical and backgrounds would look like. focusing on the colour scheme we all came back on Thursday where we added in all the designs and merged different concepts into the animation video. Next we gathered sound and added them to the video , and our animation was complete
This is the vector of the setting of the room grandpa will be in

This image is of the vectored outside of the hospital . I don't really like the building
This is the vector art of the hallway that the character will be walking down towards the elevator. or the hall used for the crowded scene.
This vector art is of the dark scary door way all i did was create the simple art so my group can choose the colour scheme.

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